In our day-to-day lives, we operate routinely and have crazy schedules. The only way to escape this monotonous situation is to take flee temporarily in this environment to a place where we are challenged to think or act differently than we normally do. At least once in our life, we should try doing something where an invaluable experience is waiting. Traveling is the answer, one of the most practical ways of advice you will hear.
There are benefits of traveling that many people often overlook. The knowledge you will acquire is so invaluable that you'll be enriched on many levels. Here are some.
Traveling lets you:
You do not care what you do at all and you can just break free from the norm. The adrenaline rush that you get from the excitement of exploring, discovering a new place, a new language, new money and all the little challenges that you encounter. The value of experiences such as these can be immense and can lead to greater happiness over the long term.
Remember, experiences like travelling make us happier than material goods because they become a bigger part of our identity. After all, memories linger more than any material thing.
Fill your life with experiences, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.
When travelling alone, you experience a great feeling of independence. You can go someplace wherever you want, whenever you want, stay out late and have the ultimate flexibility and freedom for anything. It’s all up to you. You meet people everywhere, take more chances on other people, take risks, and open up yourself to possibilities. You take responsibility, manage your freedom well, do great things, find your passions, get crazy and enjoy discovering a lot about yourself. You may mainly rely on yourself and learn a lot about yourself. There is no greater feeling than to do whatever it is that makes you happy.
Doing what you like is freedom, liking what you do is happiness.
—Frank Tyger
It forces you to disconnect from the routine and pressures of your everyday life and lets you truly escape. We all have stress and tension in our lives but taking time off away especially to a tranquil environment is an obvious way to refresh your mind and cool off stress levels. It helps your body filter out the negativity and leaves you feeling healthy and reinvigorated and when you return home you'll feel refreshed.
Travel changes you. It expands your mind and views exponentially. For the better. If everyone travelled, there would be more peace in the world.
Great things don't come from comfort zones.
—Roy T. Bennett
Every one of us has a pretty established comfort zone. We become comfortable in these daily roles and the idea of getting out of your routine can be scary and uncomfortable. Travelling and exploring will encourage you to get out and do something unusual. When you challenge yourself to get to the next level or challenge your boundaries, it can turn up into amazing results. Like you'll have an easier time dealing with new and unexpected changes, you become smarter, more competent, you learn to embrace your discomforts, and you find it easier to push your limits in the future.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences.
—Jon Krakauer
Travelling alone or with friends in a foreign place where you do not know anyone will find yourself exposed to a multitude of new information in situations figuring out everything, from how to use public transportation or where to buy things and food, where things don’t always go as planned. You’ll have to cross your way through different streets and different languages. It means that you’re in charge of your own decision-making. Such situations will help you learn to manage with the uncertainties in life, presence of mind and ability to adapt in foreign situations. Such a situation can help you understand who you are and build your confidence.
As you travel solo, being totally responsible for yourself, it’s inevitable that you will discover just how capable you are!
It is believed that if someone gets out of their comfort zone, new neural connections will develop that will open the minds and trigger creative thoughts. New experience – sound, smell, language, taste, and sight will spark different synapses in the brain. Especially for those of you whose work involves lots of creative thinking or analysis, a vacation to someplace you’ve never been before might be the spark you need. It will quickly teach you to improvise and be creative.
The best education I have ever received was through travel.
—Lisa Ling
You will be exposed to different people, cultures, and lifestyles. With all the unfamiliar activities, you’ll uncover new insights, ways of seeing the world and living, and really opens up your eyes to the realities and expectations of other people around the world. You might just be surprised about what you discover and will greatly shift your paradigm and create a healthier perspective which often gives people a new purpose for their lives and helps broaden your understanding of the world.
A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.
—Oliver Wendell Holmes
You will get to know different people, make new friends, share new experiences,– and even fall in love! We usually always ask tips on places and share experiences. You’ll realize how extremely easy to strike a conversation and to make friends. Something extraordinary happens and you start to express yourself without the feeling of being judged.
One thing I look forward to is seeing new places and new people.
—Normani Kordei
A better way to learn new language skills is by travelling to a country where that language is spoken and your native language is not widely used. You’ll learn how to communicate often around people you don’t know very well. You could start asking how to find the way to your next destination or the nearest restaurant and learn simple phrases such as “thank you” or “hello.”
To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.
—Bill Bryson
When you visit a place, it imparts sensible knowledge of important landmarks, persons, culture, food, and the nature of people. The recollections of the experiences certainly flash over in our minds, the vision becomes enlarged and stays forever.
It also gives nice stories to tell people afterward and when you return home, you’ll be able to talk about all the crazy experiences you shared, the fantastic places you saw and the life-changing moments you went through. These memories will create and cement a bond forever that nothing can erase no matter what happens and their effect on your life will remain forever. You can relive the enjoyment again and again as you look back on the great adventure you had when traveling.
Traveling is worth every penny you will spend because memories last forever.
“Take nothing but pictures Leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time.”
Traveling helps people to form a better understanding of oneself, beliefs, and life in general. It also provides us with a better understanding of the world in which we live and understand it firsthand. Of course, it will not magically dissolve our problems; but it will do something positive on us.
So let's have some fun, enjoy life and live in the moment! Keep your heart open for a new experience and open your mind to unfamiliarity. Discover the beauty of this amazing world and get lost in its opportunities. It is a rewarding experience, whether you do it on your own or with your friends or family.